Numerology Name Calculator

This Free Name Numerology Calculator helps you uncover the hidden Numerology Numbers behind your name. Get to know Your Compound Destiny Number, Destiny Number, Soul/ Soul Urge Number/ Heart Desire Number, Personality Number using Chaldean Numerology Method.

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Your Name Analysis

Compound Destiny Number


Destiny Number


Soul Number


Personality Number


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Numerology Name Numbers and their impact

There are 4 Numerology Numbers calculated from your Name

Compound Destiny Number

All digits in the name are calculated to 2 digit number. Some Numbers are not considered positive, like 28 and 82.

Destiny Number

This number signifies Name. This number impacts your health, wealth, success, love and appreciation.

Soul Number

This is a motivational number, it defines your aura, heart desire, feelings and the vibes.

Personality Number

This number defines your personality. A positive personality numbers removes the negative aura around you.

How Does This Numerology Calculator Work?

This calculator is based on the most accurate Vedic Numerology Calculation method which is Chaldean Method.

You can also do the calculations by yourself, just follow along.

Take Example Name - Nehaa Parwani

Step 1 : Assigning Numerology Numbers to alphabets in your name

This takes all alphabets in your name and then assign a numerology number to each alphabet, based on the table below -

Destiny NumberAlphabets
1A, I ,J ,Q ,Y
2B, K, R
3C, G, L, S
4D, M, T
5E, H, N, X
6U, V, W
7O, Z
8F, P

Step 2 : Compound Destiny Number Calculation

What is the Compound Destiny Number? The sum total of the name is known as Compound Destiny number. How is the Compound Destiny Number calculated? Based on the numbers assigned it sums up all the numbers to get a 2 digit number. This 2 digit number is known as Compound Destiny Number. For name = Nehaa Parwani Compound Destiny Number calculation will be – 
5 5 5 1 1 8 1 2 6 1 5 1
5+5+5+1+1+8+1+2+6+1+5+1 = 41 41

Step 3 : Destiny Number Calculation

What is the Destiny Number? This number signifies Name. This number impacts your health, wealth, success, love and appreciation. How is the Destiny Number calculated? We calculate Destiny Number by summing up digits of Compound Destiny Number to a single digit number. In example, it will be 4+1 = 5 5 denotes planet Mercury.

Step 4 : Soul Number/ Heart Desire Number / Soul Urge Number Calculation

What is a Soul Number in Numerology? Soul number or Soul Urge number or Heart Desire number, all are the same in numerology. This is a motivational number, it defines your aura, heart desire, feelings and the vibes. How is the Soul Number calculated? The Soul number is calculated by summing up all the numerology numbers associated with the vowels in your name. In this Example – Nehaa Parwani Vowels are _e_aa _a__a_i
5 1 1 1 1 1
5+1+1+1+1 = 10 1+0 = 1 1 denotes Sun

Step 5 : Personality Number Calculation

What is a Personality Number? This number defines your personality. A positive personality number removes the negative aura around you. How is the Personality Number calculated? The Personality number is calculated by summing up all the numerology numbers associated with the consonant in your name. In this example – Nehaa Parwani
5 5 8 2 6 5
5+5+8+2+6+5 = 31 3+1 = 4

Some other Name Numerology questions you must ask-

What is Name Numerology?

Numerology is the science of numbers, each number shows a vibration, and having a positive vibration of numbers in your name can help you achieve greatness in life. 


Your name is your identity.


Since ancient times in every religion or culture people keep their children's name which holds a strong impact because it's a belief that name is your first identity and it remains with you all the time whether your loved ones, friend,  family, colleagues, neighbours or yourself calls you, identifies you with your name.

The vibration of your name is attached to you, and it should be positive.

Why is Name Numerology important?

You carry a DOB which has Date, month & year, which cannot be changed but name is something which is given after birth so it's important to to decide the best name for you because it's the first gift / blessing parents & family give to a new born.  

If you’re a parent it becomes a responsibility to provide the best name to your child. Or if you’re an adult you can do it for yourself. 

Every parents or individual wants to give best name to their child or want to have best name for business name, but multiple time its happen when we see chart of Individual we realise there is lots of potential in that person but not seeing success as per that, then there is need arise to check name as per numerology. 

In numerology science with research we found not only the meaning of names but also every alphabet & sum of that alphabet create different impacts on someone's life.  If your name is not aligned with the lucky number  then it's important to change as per numerology.

What are methods used for Name Numerology Calculator?

There are two methods used by Name Numerology Calculators for Name Numerology : 

  1. Pythagorean Method (Western Numerology) 
  2. Chaldean Method (Vedic Numerology)

Learn more about Chaldean vs Pythagorean Numerology

We use Chaldean Numerology

Why do we prefer Chaldean Numerology for Name Numerology Calculator?

Every alphabet in your name is important, if we assign number 9 to any alphabet and then calculate the name number. 9 will sum up back to the remaining numbers without having any impact.


  • 5 + 9 = 14 → 1 + 4 = 5
  • 7 + 9 = 16 → 1 + 6 = 7
  • 3 + 9 = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3

So there will be no impact of the alphabets assigned to number 9, thus there is no use of having that alphabet, which happens in Pythagorean and not considered correct by vedic numerology and makes Chaldean method more accurate.

What should be my name number?

Being the only controlled numerology number, the destiny number should be among your lucky numbers, and should also be good as per your Lo Shu Grid. With proper analysis of your DOB & Loshu grid we can decide what should be your destiny number.

Should I count only first name & with surname also?

Many people use only their first name in general, so they have a confusion that having a first name on a lucky number is enough or we should consider a full name. Your full name with surname or the name you use most will be counted, so name & surname both, but first name should also be on good number as per your DOB.

Which planes will be completed by my name number / destiny number?

Many people who know about the Lo Shu Grid (also known as Numerology Chart) ask if their name can be designed to complete Lo Shu Grid Planes, as having more planes completed in Lo Shu Grid, gives you more power in life.

Is having a name on a lucky destiny number more important than completing a plane in Lo Shu Grid?

Having a negative name number to complete Lo Shu Grid planes is not recommended.

We recommend having a name such that the destiny number should be lucky for you. If it is completing Lo Shu Grid planes it is good, else having a good destiny number is more important than completing a plane. If you want to learn more about Lo Shu Grid, you can try our Lo Shu Grid Calculator and read 8 Lo Shu Grid Planes article.

How does destiny number impact numerology?

Your Destiny number is the energy you carry, below is the table showcasing energies associated with different Destiny Numbers, their positive and negative impacts in your life.


Destiny Number If Positives If Negatives Recommendation
1 (Leader) Strong leadership, innovative, financial growth Egoistic, lonely, stubborn Use leadership skills wisely, stay humble
2 (Sensitive)
3 (Wise One) Intelligent, creative, respected, disciplined Lack of focus, digestive issues, weight gain Stay consistent, maintain a healthy lifestyle
4 (Unconventional)
5 (Adventurer) Smart, adaptable, quick decision-maker Restless, easily distracted, inconsistent Stay grounded, avoid impulsive decisions
6 (Nurturer) Caring, loving, financially stable, lucky in luxury Over-responsible, controlling, emotional stress Balance personal and professional life
7 (Spiritual Seeker) Wise, analytical, spiritual growth Overthinking, isolation, trust issues Engage in social activities, practice grounding exercises
8 (Power & Karma)
9 (Warrior) Strong-willed, courageous, determined Aggressive, temperamental, impulsive Practice patience and control anger

Why 2, 4, and 8 Are Not Recommended?

  • 2 → Which denotes moon, which has a tendency to go from full moon to new moon so it shows ups and downs in life. Too emotional, struggles with finances and energy levels.
  • 4 → Its devil head, always in high temperament, can disturb mental peace. Brings unpredictable results, hardships, and delays.
  • 8 → The natural speed of the planet is very slow & that can cause delays in life. Karma-heavy numbers, and requires patience.

What next?

Create Your Lo Shu Grid by clicking on the Image of Lo Shu Grid or try other tools.