Based on various factors of Numerology Kundali Matching, like the lucky number calculation of both people, their compatibility with each other’s Main Planet and Life Path Number, and what they are contributing to each other’s Lo Shu Grid, we can predict what kind of relationship they are supposed to have after marriage.
If all the factors are positive and Kundali Matching is auspicious we recommend the couple to go for marriage, and suggest that they will have a good married relationship in future.
As the Kundali Match is auspicious the partner may also have a good bond with your family. But there are few numbers in the Lo Shu Grid which impact the family bond and relationship, like number 5 in the grid shows strong relationships with the family members. To further recommend the relationship type with the new family we will need to check Lo Shu Grids of both the people, the number present and the missing numbers.
If the Kundali match is auspicious, and the numbers in the Lo Shu Grid of either of the person are helping the other person’s health, we recommend that the health of both people will be good after marriage. However some numbers may contradict and impact the health of the couple after marriage, for that we recommend some remedies to reduce the negative impact.
As the Kundali Match is auspicious the couple should have a complete family as per their planning. In case the kundali match shows any difficulty or challenge, we can recommend doing things to have a good family. To have a family after marriage the number in the Lo Shu Grid should balance each other.
The numbers in the Lo Shu Grid of the couple should make them go ahead in life and enjoy traveling. Many people get to travel abroad after marriage, and many want to travel again and again. Your numbers may help you to travel the world.