Number 1 denotes to planet Sun, which is the head of the solar planet & an important source of energy. People who have Sun as the main planet or life path number always want authority in life, they have their way to work. Sun owns the element Fire, it shows dedication and energy.
Apart from the main planet number & life path number, if number 1 is present in Lo Shu Grid that makes a person-helpful for others, energetic & they have self-belief.
Number 2 denotes to planet Moon, consider as queen in numerology which reflects the light of the Sun. Moon controls emotion & like a queen, the moon takes local authority & completes that, also the moon denotes a mother, which shows intuition power & mood swings too. People with number 2 are good at doing donations & helping others.
Number 3 denotes to planet Jupiter, which is considered as an ancestor, minister & teacher & advisor in the numerology chart. Jupiter is the biggest planet contains lots of information within. Jupiter increase curiosity to learn new thing & share experience & knowledge with others. Also, Jupiter increases interest in occur & spirituality.
Number 4 is planet Rahu, which is considered as the upper body part, Rahu gives powerful mind & logical thinking. It gives the power to think logically. People with number 4 are generally good in calculation & always plan for new destiny & growth. Because it represents only the mind, all body power remains in the mind only. Sometimes they can’t stop thinking, which can create disturbance in sleeping.
Number 5 denotes planet Mercury. In numerology, Mercury is considered as a Prince, which has the blessings of elders. These people are loved and cared for by the family. They make friends easily. Also, Mercury is the planet for communication & balance in life. In Lo shu grid it takes the central place which means no enmity. Mercury gives the courage to speak in public.
Number 6 denotes the planet Venus, which is considered as Guru for the evil planets. Venus shows the right path. Also, venus gives for entertainment and luxury in life. People with venus planet are good counselors too. Venus helps in getting love & care from your life partner.
Number 7 denotes planet Ketu, which refers only lower body, Ketu does not have eyes so always follow the heart. People with number 7 are generally emotional, have good 6th sense. Also, number 7 keeps the people grounded in cool in every tough situation.
For Eg: Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Date of Birth: 7 July 1981
His main planet number is 7, which denotes Ketu. Ketu makes him “Captain Cool”.
Also, you will meet with people who are ungrateful for your help & kindness.
Number 8 denotes planet Saturn. Saturn is the slowest moving planet, people with the number 8 are generally considered as slow growth & struggle. Saturn is known for giving the result of hard work.
People with the number 8 in their chart will always get the result of their actions. Also, number 8 is about the law and regulation. People with number 8 are ethical, always stand for truth & justice.
Number 9 denotes to planet Mars, which is considered commander number. People with number 9, have good self-belief & take responsibility from an early age. People with the number 9 generally have a fighter attitude & aggressive. They have the energy to work & also motives other for growth.
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20 Responses
name correction please maam
Name : Mohan Lal Tiwari
DOB : 1981 Aug 2
Please suggest corrected name , mam. 🙏
My dob is 29/01/1979
my name is – avishek banerjee
please provide the remedy for good carrier , good wealth and good health.
My dob is 30/09/992.and my name is manish thakur please suggest name correction.