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What is Life Path Number in Numerology?

In numerology science we believe not only 1 number which decides your life but the combination of different numbers have different impacts in your life.

Life path as word explains in this the number which decides your path/career/direction in life.

Life path number decides your financial state, your health & career.

Life Path Number is the sum of all digits in a person's Date of Birth minimised to single digit, from 1 to 9. It is an important number to create Lo Shu Grid.

People also ask

How to calculate Life Path Number?

To calculate your Life Path Number, you need to all digits of your date of birth.

For Example- 28/09/2021

2+8+0+9+2+0+2+1= 24 = 2+4 = 6

To calculate life path number you should have DOB

For Example

If one person has DOB as 14/11/1987

To calculate Day number we will add all elements in life

1+4+1+1+1+9+8+7 = 32

So life path number is 32.

In numerology we take 1 digit number, so 1 digit number will be


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Life Path Number 9

Number 9 is number for planet mars, In family chart of numerology it is considered as commander. If someone has 9 as a life path number that person always fulfils their responsibilities. Also this is the aggressive number. If you have life path number 9 you can grow in an army job, Business will be more suitable for you than a job. Your colour is orange which is the colour of action & power, this shows your energy not only drives you but also drives the people around you. 

"You are the best Friend & the best enemy one could have"

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 1

If you have day number 3 & life path as 9 it shows if you start anything you will always end that work, even if you face any difficulties, In relationship also you value your self-respect also but for you, the relation is more important. You are the planner & action taker in your life. You want to live life according to your choice. 

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 2

If you have the main planet as 2 & life path as 9, this combination is not that powerful but your emotion of empathy with others will be very high. You easily understand the pain and happiness of others. But in your life you can suffer from the BP problem. 

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 3

If you have the main planet as 2 & life path as 9, this combination is not that powerful but your emotion of empathy with others will be very high. You easily understand the pain and happiness of others. But in your life you can suffer from the BP problem. 

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 4

If you have day number as 4 & life path number as 9, I will say this is not a good combination, you will always contradict your own decision in life, you take action in rush then regret for that. Your aggression is very high & if someone gives you suggestion for you benefit you are not ready to take that.

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 5

If you have day number 5 & life path number as 9, this is a very good combination. You are the protector of yourself, your family & society. You manage every situation very calmly. You take charge of every situation, with this you always have one kid inside you who knows how to react differently in different situations.

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 6

If you have day number as 6 & life path number as 9 this shows you admire beauty & arts, you have knowledge & muscular power both at the same time, you never compromise with your position, you always want the result of your efforts. In the relationship you want equal efforts from the opposite person if you do not find that even you are ready to break that relation but not take this further single handedly.

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 7

If you have day number as 7 & life path number as 9 its shows,  you often remain alone in life, if you go for marriage & in any relation before age of 28 you can face separation, only a right name can give you success in relation. People talk behind your back & people often forget your favours & good deeds you have done for them.

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 8

If you have day number as 8 & life path number as 9, this shows you are a person of your own commitment, you always become a roof for your family, you are the healer & punisher both, you always do the fair justice.

Life Path Number 9 with Main Planet Number 9

If you have day number as 9 & life path as also 9 it shows you are a person who only wants to give to others & never demand back, only respect is something that matters for you, you do big sacrifices for other happiness.

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Life Path Number 8

Number 8 is considered as planet Saturn, which shows if a person has a life path number as Saturn they understand the pain of others & always keep compassion toward others. But Saturn is a cold planet which shows that a person will be stubborn & very tough to change his thoughts & prospect toward anything in life. They find it better to stay alone than to live with fake people. With any number, Saturn always gives results for hard work and the right thing so never try gambling, robbing, or earning money in an unethical way.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 1

If a person has life path number Saturn & main planet as the sun, it shows the person will achieve good position in government services but Relation between these two planet are very complicated the person might not receive any support from family but definitely create own name in society with their hard work. The person can have a difference of opinion with own father & elder brother. You will achieve success after the age of 30, If the name is not coming on the favorable number you can suffer from fake legal cases also. Get your Name Corrected as per Numerology.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 2

If a person has a life path number as Saturn & main planet as the moon, it shows a person can have fear to go in any kind of competition in life, the moon is the fastest moving planet & Saturn is the slowest this combination can create confusion in native mind. You may always confuse logic with emotion. You will be successful when you leave your birthplace. Sometimes you can have a bad relationship with your mother or your childhood can be without your mother.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 3

If a person has life path number as Saturn & main planet as the moon, its shows person can have fear to go in any kind of competition in life, the moon is the fastest moving planet & saturn is the slowest this combination can create confusion in native mind. You may always confuse logic with emotion. You will be successful when you leave your birth place. Sometimes you can have a bad relationship with your mother or your childhood can be without your mother.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 4

If a person has a life path number as Saturn & main planet number as Rahu which is not a good combination, it shows the native can have certain health issues, sometimes very cold in nature, will not understand others feelings & emotions. After so much struggle the person will lead on a certain level. He will be good at calculation & logic.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 5

If a person has a life path number as Saturn and the main planet as Mercury, this shows person works on everything very slowly, he has good patience to deal with every situation of life. The person speaks slowly, but always raises their voice whenever it’s required. You can do big research very easily. These people can become good counselors. They will travel a lot but the final destination will be their own birth place, their own country. This shows complicated relations with their siblings also.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 6

If a person has a life path number as 8 and the main planet is 6, both planets have friendly relations with each other,  that shows the person will show his best part, you are good in education, game & even in making friends. But you are very competitive and always want to hold 1st position that makes you restless & impatient. Loyalty & Royalty both are your strength. You want to explore new things & hidden secrets.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 7

If a person has a life path number as 8 and the main planet as Ketu, this shows complication in married relationships & even in the career you can feel others are making decisions on your behalf, you are not the owner of your own life. You are known for breaking rules if you believe in yourself you can do what no one expects. You should take care of your lower back, which can be a painful area for you. You will find success from the age of 33.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 8

If a person has a life path number of 8 and the main planet as 8 which shows the high impact of Saturn, the person can face struggle, sometimes mental & physical obstacles in life. But if Saturn work comes with a friendly planet that makes you ethical & disciplined.  You have to choose friends wisely otherwise you can get into bad habits that can create a bad image of yours. After the age of 36, your growth year will start.

Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 9

If a person has a life path number of 8 and the main planet as 9, this shows you are a punisher & healer both, you know sometimes bitter medicine can give better results. You don’t keep anyone’s favor on you. Before the age of 44 mars rules you which shows your aggression toward your work. You can be fearful of taking big risks but you will always take the risk. You should control your anger & sometimes you should understand you cannot control everything in life.

People also ask

Life Path Number 7

If a person has life path number 7, which denotes planet Ketu which is a shadow planet that only has a lower part of the body, you can see these people are mostly emotional because they don’t find the connection from the mind. Want to know everything and make lots of friends but lose them from time to time. 

Your 6th sense is very good. Goddess Saraswati is your ideal which provides you intelligence, sense of talking.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 1

If a person has a main planet as 1 & a life path as 7 it shows emotion and authority together, you can lead a big group of people, you have the power to heal the pain of others, you can do good in medical. But If you have a negative number combination in your Loshu & with name your face lack confidence, self-doubt.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 2

If a person has a main planet as 2 and life path as Ketu, it shows they will be very emotional, goes into depression even in small incidents. But your Intuition will be very strong, you may have a difference of opinion from your mother but always wants to live here, You will be inclined toward arts.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 3

If a person has the main planet as Jupiter and life path as Ketu, here Jupiter shows high in knowledge & Ketu shows generosity. The person makes friends with elder people. They have a very good bond with their grandparents. They are very creative & self-confident. But always keep in mind everyone is not your friend, do not share your secret with everyone.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 4

If a person has the main planet as Rahu & life path planet as Ketu it shows completion, Rahu is another missing part of planet Ketu, both are shadow planets. You can do good in literature. You will earn good respect in Foreign countries. You prefer to live in Isolation. If you do meditation & give focus you can read other’s minds, being a psychiatrist is a good option for you.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 5

If a person has the main planet as Mercury & life path as mercury, this combination can work differently in different situations, mercury is communication & Ketu is intelligence. You always make sense while talking. But in a relationship, you don’t like to speak much and that can create misunderstandings with your partner. You have to be aware of the thing which does not suit you because small things can give you skin allergies.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 6

If a person has the main planet is Ketu & life path as venus this combination shows you are very good at making the right decision at the right time. You will receive good fame, can do very well in sports & in study both. It’s very important for you not to cheat on your partner otherwise you can face bad fame & negativity in your life. Venus is Guru of Ketu here Venus will show the right direction to you.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 7

If a person has the main planet as Ketu and life path as Ketu, it shows spirituality, you can find your connection from the occult. If you give money to someone as a loan it will be very difficult to receive that money back again. Your sudden words can be true, as you have the blessing of Goddess Saraswati. You are inclined toward music & creativity.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 8

If a person has the main planet as 7 and life path as 8, which shows a person may have anxiety & will be unable to express himself, that leads to separation.  If your name & other combinations are coming on your favorable number then you will receive abundance & good success, but if it’s unlucky you can face trouble in traveling can face multiple accidents & loss of wealth.

Life Path Number 7 with Main Planet Number 9

If a person has the main planet as 7 and life path as Mars, in this combination Ketu shows emotion & mars shows aggression so this shows harshness in speaking. You can go through major surgery in life. You are very curious in nature, discover unknown things. You can establish good connections from other worlds. Being a scientist can be a good profession for you.

13 Responses

  1. My lifepath number is 3 and Destiny No is 9 of Mars. Will business suit me?
    Main Path no is 02….

  2. My life path number is 2 , destiny number is 2
    My name is Princy dubey
    I want to correct my name as per numerology and for my youtube success .
    Please tell me

  3. hi.. sir
    my date of birth 30-09-1976

    Life Path Number 8 with Main Planet Number 3
    here details dint given,
    i want to open shop that name i am looking

  4. I think 8 and 3 combination of saturn and jupiter it is good combination . But moon is written here which is wrong

    1. Thanks for your comment, both combinations have have positive and negative effects, it depends on what you want from your life and combination of other planets in Lo Shu grid.

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