This Shiva mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva and his various aspects. Chanting this mantra seeks to:
ॐ नमः संभवाय च मयोभवाय च नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च ॥
Om Namah Sambhavaya Cha Mayobhavaya Cha Namah Shankaraaya Cha Mayaskaraaya Cha Namah Shivaaya Cha Shivataraya Cha
Chant the mantra 21, 28, 51, 108 times based on the recommendations from Numerologist.
It is recommended to chant this mantra for 21, 40, 365 consecutive days for full protection and blessings.